Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Methodology for assessing the potential of the university for the training of qualified personnel

O.V. Grigorash, T.V. Petrenko
80,00 ₽

UDC 378-044.3:005.6


Oleg V. Grigorash, Dr. Sci. (Technic) and Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, Head of the Department, Kuban State Agrarian University n.a. I.T. Trubilin, e-mail: 

Tatyana V. Petrenko, Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Kuban State Agrarian University n.a. I.T. Trubilin, e-mail: 


Despite the changes made to the accreditation indicators of universities, the proposed evaluation criteria indirectly reflect the ability of universities to carry out high-quality training of graduates. It is known that the main purpose of educational activity is to transfer to students the established knowledge, skills, skills on the basis of which competencies are formed that are necessary and sufficient for graduates of higher educational institutions in their future professional activities. Thus, for an objective assessment of the ability of institutes to train highly qualified personnel, it is necessary to evaluate the pedagogical qualifications of teachers who conducted classes and the results of training students. The article discusses the methodology of assessing the potential of the university for the training of qualified personnel, which is based on the assessment of the educational and professional activity of students in the educational programs of the university.

The indicator of students’ academic activity in the educational program is determined taking into account individual assessments received during the period of study in the studied disciplines, taking into account the qualifications of teachers who conducted classes, as well as assessments obtained from the results of practices and state final certification. The qualifications of teachers are determined by the results of assessments obtained during control visits to their classes by officials and the assessment obtained by the results of the test tasks in the disciplines taught. The student's professional activity indicator takes into account the results of his research work, awards, incentives and penalties received during the study period, as well as scholarships. The potential of the university for the training of qualified personnel is defined as the arithmetic mean of the coefficients of the quality of education of graduates according to the educational programs of the university.

Key words: students, teachers, teachers’ qualifications, the quality of education of university graduates, educational and professional activity of students, the potential of the university.



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