Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Relationship between the motivational and demand sphere of students during the quarantine period and the field of perception of the concepts “Coronavirus”, “Quarantine” and “Self-Isolation” (based on research materials of PNRPU masters)

M.K. Duvanskaya
80,00 ₽

UDC 316.6


M.K. Duvanskaya is PhD in Psychology, Ass. Prof. of the Department of Sociology and Political Science at Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), e-mail:


The article explores the peculiarities of the relationship of motivational and demand sphere with the field of perception of the concept of “coronavirus”, “quarantine”, “self-isolation” in modern society. Their interrelations influence both the formation of a holistic personality and the formation of public opinion.

The study is based on the notion that life values are a set of different inherently social attitudes, which under the influence of external social forms of interaction and intrapersonal characteristics are subject to constant modification, which is reflected in the system of perception, as the world as a whole, and in particular at the conceptual, sense-making level. Thus, studying the peculiarities of the relationship of personal value orientations with the field of perception of a particular concept, we can build a dynamic scheme of mutually influential vectors of values, orientations, life priorities, taking into account the specific conceptual perception of the concept under study.

The study revealed that the respondents are more characterized by the prevalence of focus on the material situation, spiritual satisfaction, as well as achievement and self-development. These values are manifested in the spheres of professional life, education and family relations. In the field of perception of the highlighted concepts there is a number of significant differences, so the concept of “coronavirus” has a negative value assessment while high subjective importance in the individual personal plan for the person. The concepts of “self-isolation” and “quarantine” are perceived positively in terms of value, while in the subjective, personal plan they carry a negative dynamic for the individual.

Thus, the study confirmed that depending on the structure of basic needs, value priorities, which the person holds, we can assume what attitude he will have to the studied concepts, what meaning he will fill them.

Key words: motivational orientation, life spheres, morphological test of life values, life activity, field of perception of the concepts “coronavirus”, “quarantine”, “self-isolation”.




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