UDC 81`23:159.9
A.B. Evseev is Cand. of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Ass. Prof. at Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs e-mail: andrej.yevsejev@rambler.ru
Presented is the paradigm of professional and linguistic competencies of postgraduate students of a Russian humanities university. The author proves the importance of a competency-based approach in teaching foreign languages to assist post-graduates in their successful adaptation to persistently changing conditions in the labour market. The research substantiates the necessity of shaping a secondary linguistic personality in post-graduate students capable of successful intercultural communication. The article analyzes various interpretations of “competence”, as a notion, postulates the communicative approach in learning foreign languages based on the psycholinguistic aspect. The author suggests new methods of assessment of the linguistic competence maturity in post-graduates at various levels of education.
Key words: language competence, competence approach, psycholinguistic aspect, secondary linguistic personality.
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