Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The value of philosophical analysis of history for ecological education

N.V. Popkova
80,00 ₽

UDC 11


N.V. Popkova is Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Ass. Prof., Prof. at Department “Philosophy, history and sociology” at Bryansk State Technical University e-mail:


Discussed is the need for a historical analysis of the relationship between man and nature for the formation of the theoretical basis of environmental education is considered. It is shown that a holistic picture of the historical interaction between mankind and the Earth’s biosphere is necessary for understanding modern global processes: the disclosure of the causes of the ecological crisis will help to create programs for the greening of human activity. Traditional historical approaches developed by the philosophy of history are not suitable for solving this problem, since they do not take into account the natural limitations of technological progress and the evolutionary role of humanity in the biosphere. The article discusses new concepts proposed for a comprehensive study of historical processes and the biosphere transformations caused by them. It is concluded that the level of their development does not yet allow using them for educational purposes. Nevertheless, the analysis of the consequences of technical development made with their help in the context of historical reality makes it possible to reflect the trend of technologization of man and nature. The main regularities of the relationship between mankind and the biosphere can be distinguished on the basis of the ratio of biological and technological factors, on which the life of people depended in different eras. Understanding the nature of the modern ecological crisis is necessary for the development of scientifically grounded programs to neutralize the negative consequences of the formation and expansion of technical reality.

Key words: ecological education, philosophy of history, modernity, ecological crisis, man, nature, technique.



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