Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The use of pedagogical W-technology for the formation of the research potential of students

E.R. Elagina
80,00 ₽

UDC 378-042.4:004


E.R. Yelagina is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof., Vice-rector for Science of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, St. Petersburg e-mail:


Substantiated is the expediency of using universal pedagogical W-technology to form the research potential of the students, by taking into account the conceptual ideas of culture-centricity in education. The approaches to the development of technology are argued as a systemic combination of all parts of the proposed author’s model, which, with a sufficient degree, made it possible to take into account the identified factors, structural blocks and their influence at different pedagogical levels. The constructive need for its use as a pedagogical toolkit in the process of student research has been updated.

Key words: pedagogical technology, university, student, research potential, pedagogical W-technology, system, model, design, culture-centricity, values, motivation.



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