Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Features of student and specialist migration to France

Ya.R. Streltsova
80,00 ₽

UDC 325(44)    


Ya.R. Streltsova is Ph.D. in History, Ass.Prof. at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Leading Researcher at Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS of the Russian Academy of Sciences e-mail:


Examined is the modern migration policy of France with regard to the immigration of students, professional and scientific personnel, as well as immigration by the status of “talents”. A brief description of the current state of these migration flows is given. The measures taken by the current government to change the French immigration policy, to make it more effective, are analyzed. The features of student mobility and the problems of studying in universities in France, including coronavirus pandemic period, are considered. In particular, such aspects as the impact of the pandemic on the transition to new forms of education (distance learning), changes in the content of education, the prospects for student exchanges are analyzed. Statistical data on changes in main migration flows during the coronavirus pandemic in France is given. It is concluded, that pandemic has significantly limited population migration, including student exchanges, immigration of qualified personnel to France, transferred training, cooperation and contacts to a remote format, indicating the victory of the digital economy and new technologies. Despite this, the idea of attracting young, talented and successful people to the country, their integration into French society remains an absolute priority of the French immigration policy and is seen as an opportunity to mobilize the creative and professional potential of the state.

Key words: students, qualified personnel, migration, France, pandemic, coronavirus, exchange programs, distance learning.



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