UDC 314.1
T.M. Tagiyeva is Candidate for a Research Degree at Department of Sociology at Baku State University e-mail: itterlan@yahoo.com
Presented is the analysis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the problem of migration in modern science. Migration is a complex concept in modern science, and therefore attracts attention of many social and humanitarian sciences. It is determined that this direction of scientific research was originated already in ancient historical science then became the subject of study of economic science. Today, thanks to increased interest in this area of social life, theoretical and methodological foundations have emerged for an integrated approach to the analysis of any social phenomenon, associated with migration. This is evident from the number of scientific publications in the world, related to the analysis and forecasting of specific processes and situations of migration. In the future, methodology of research in this area will be enriched through the use of capabilities of mathematics and statistics methods, as well as achievements of psychological science.
Key words: migration, theory and practice of migration, politics and economics about migration, personality of migrant.
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