Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Moral and ethical standards of upbringing in traditional Japanese society

O.S. Novikova, I.S. Rodicheva
80,00 ₽

UDC  (17+37.02)(052)


O.S. Novikova is PhD (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty of Foreign Languages e-mail:; and I.S. Rodicheva is PhD (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty of Philosophy and Humanities е-mail: at Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM)


Presented is the analysis of moral and ethical standards, that determine the relationship between members of the community, that are primarily attributable to the Confucian doctrine of deification of ancestors, filial piety, unquestioning obedience to elders, detailed regulation of behavior of any member of society. Considering various categories of “duty” in the work, the authors reveal the main distinctive characteristics of interpersonal relations and perception of the world between Japanese and Western cultures, focusing on traditions of human upbringing and laws of communities. The concept of self-identification, that is suppressed against the background of the social in traditional Japan, is considered by the authors not from the point of view of moral and ethical considerations of a European person, but through the prism of group consciousness, which is a widespread phenomenon in Japanese society, since the feeling of being part of a group is one of the basic states of the individual in Japan. The signs of group unity are also reflected in the features of verbal communication that is due to a single lifestyle, a holistic model of education and the desire to satisfy the needs of the interlocutor, i.e. group unity. Drawing an analogy between models and concepts of European culture, the authors note the originality of the Japanese worldview, that is characterized by the desire to conform to the model presented by elders and is the basic infrastructure of education in a hier-archical Japanese society, and non-verbal ways of transmitting behavior models, and formation of group interaction skills are passed from generation to generation.

Key words: Japanese education, self-identification, duty, moral and ethical attitudes, group unity, Japanese culture, hierarchy.



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