UDC 101
N.V. Pashkova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. at Kuban State Technological University e-mail: pashkov17@rambler.ru
Examined are aspects of philosophy of I. Kant through the prism of the concept of understanding M.K. Mamardashvili. “Kantian variations” is the field of thought of the Other, on which contours of the method of interpretation of the text, discovered by Soviet scientist, synthesized into a single whole several traditions of philosophical hermeneutics. Fundamental basis in this sense should be considered as personal conditioning of understanding of another’s thought, extraction of one’s own experience and it’s use as supporting ontological point as condition for spiritual development of the subject. The article focuses not so much on philosophy of I. Kant, as on methodology, that allowed it to appear as reflection of spiritual (existential) experience of Koenigsberg thinker for the Other.
Key words: I. Kant, M.K. Mamardashvili, understanding, consciousness, cognition, metaphor, subject, personal experience.
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