UDC 316.4
M.S. Blokhina is competitor at faculty of state administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail: mcalekseeva@mail.ru
Clarified is the concept of innovative potential of modern managers, defined is their role in development of innovative society. It was attempted to correlate the concept of innovative potential with concepts of managers’ innovative behavior, innovative thinking and innovative competencies of managers. Shown is, that managers’ innovative potential is a part of intellectual capital, and is a complex of managers’ competencies, features of thinking and personal qualities, that ensure their ability and readiness for innovative behavior. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the results of electronic survey of students of Russian universities, enrolled in bachelors’ programs, aimed at identifying opportunities and directions for development of innovative potential and innovative competencies of future managers in the process of professional training at university.
Key words: manager’s innovative potential, innovative society, innovative competences, innovative behavior, professional training.
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