UDC 339.9: 378.4
A.V. Frolov is Dr.Sci. (Economy), doc. e-mail: vamik@inbox.ru ; and M.V. Lysunets is Cand.Sci. (Economy), scientific researcher e-mail: mlysunets@mail.ru
at Faculty of Economic of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Presented is the analysis of potential of universities as agent-participants in scientific technological cooperation between countries of world economy, and also shown is, that research cooperation and organizational jurisprudence resource and status of universities open possibility before them not only to develop national innovative systems of concrete countries, but also in particular because of internationalization of state-private partnership to speed globalization of using of newest technologies in interests of development of entire world economy.
Key words: universities, potential of universities in development of newest technologies, technological cooperation, technological state-private partnership, international cooperation of universities, international scientific applied cooperation of national and international state-private partnerships with subjects of economic of another countries, forms of international cooperation with the aim of technological development.
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