V.V. Pleschtschev is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at Ural State Economical University e-mail:
Presented is concrete method for realization of adaptive and competence approaches in education, oriented on reckoning of needs of employers and individual features of students. Proposed method is realized practically in elaborated by the author of the article automatized informational system for formation of variants of educational process as to formation of competences (AIS “Uchebpro”), realized in Ural state economical university. That system contains set of interconnected elements of informational, program, technologic, instrumental control evaluative orientation, enabling formation and use of individual variants by task limitations.
Key words: automatized informational system of construction of individual variants of educational process as to formation competences.
1. Pleschtschev, V.V., Rassmagina, F.A. Effective methods of formation of professionally creative competence of future specialists. Pedagogical education in Russia. 2016. No. 9. Pp. 42–50.
2. Pleschtschev, V.V., Rassmagina, F.A. Formation and diagnostic of professionally creative competence of higher school students. Izvestia of Volgograd GPU. 2016. No. 4 (108).