Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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On some problems of assessing formation of competences among university students

M.Yu. Osipov
80,00 ₽

M.Yu. Osipov is Cand.Sci. (Jurisprudence), senior researcher at Institute of Jurisprudence and Administration of VPA e-mail:

Researched is the problem of assessing the degree of competence formation among university students as one of pressing problems facing modern university science and education. The aim of the research is to show, what possible ways of assessing the degree of competence formation, their merits and demerits. The object of the study are processes of assessing formation of competences among university students. In the course of the research with using both general scientific and special research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, interview) was established, that universities currently have a number of difficulties in assessing the degree of formation of relevant competencies among students, that are shown on concrete examples. A number of measures have been suggested, that contribute to solving the problem of assessing the degree of competence formation among university students.

Key words: competences’ assessment, educational technologies, students, knowledge, know-how, skills, quality, modern higher education.


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