N.V. Mikhailova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. at Belorussian National Technical University e-mail:
Researched is the process of cognitive synthesis of intuitive and formal in system methodology of mathematical education. Modern state of mathematical education demands from philosophically reflexing teacher of higher mathematics re-thinking of content and methodic of education for bringing them into accord with changed tasks and purposes of training. The article considers cognitive synthesis in methodology of mathematical education for solution of problem situation in scientific and pedagogical research.
Key words: cognitive synthesis, mathematical knowledge, methodology of mathematical education.
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2. Chernikova, I.V. Cognitive sciences and cognitive technologies in mirror of philosophical reflection. Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2011. No. 1. Pp. 101–116.
3. Zvyagin, L.S. System analysis and mathematics: synthesis of sciences in modern higher education. Education and upbringing. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 58–63.
4. Mikhailova, N.V. Problem-oriented justification of modern mathematical analysis. Mathematical structures and modeling. 2017. No. 4. Pp. 53–59.
5. Shastun, T.A. Formation of abilities of analysis and synthesis when training in mathematics. Pedagogical magazine. 2017. No. 5. Pp. 182–189.
6. Konkova, M.I. The Problem of formal and intuitive knowledge in theory and practice of training in mathematics. In the world of discoveries. 2011. No. 9. Pp. 725–732.
7. Monakhov, V.M. Didactic axiomatic of cognitive theory of pedagogical technologies. Modern information technologies and IT-education. 2016. No. 3-1. Pp. 32–39.