E.V. Ilyashevа is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc.; A.V. Isaevа is student; and K.Yu. Svinareva is student at Magnitogorsk State Technical University n.a G.I. Nosov e-mail:
Discussed are ways of formation of qualified specialists in direction of 29.03.05 “Construction of light industry products”. The researches will acquaint with saved-up innovative experience and scientific developments in the field of textile and light industry, that contain measures, directed on technological modernization of production and quality of range of products. The article touches upon the problem of creating specially adapted clothes for people with disabilities. According to approved programs of the government, implementation of selected areas will form the future designer of garments as a qualified specialist, who understands the prospects for development of society, able to expand the sphere of professional activities and respond adequately to objective needs of society and change of socio-economic foundations.
Key words: way, formation, specialist, light industry, history, school uniform, specially adapted clothing.
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