Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Current state of school and university students graphic training in Russian education

L.V. Brykova
80,00 ₽


L.V. Brykova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G. Shukhov e-mail:


Researched is the theme of current state of school and university students graphic training in Russian education. Discussed is urgent problem of modern graphic training, starting from school bench where it is necessary to lay foundations of graphic literacy, to higher technical education, where professional development of future engineers takes place. Diagnosis and analysis of initial state of students and schoolchildren graphic culture formation was carried out in educational institutions, as well as ways to solve the problem of graphic culture formation are proposed.

Key words: graphic culture, spatial thinking, profile training, professional formation.



1. Biller, V.S. From science teaching to the logic of culture: two philosophic introductions into twenty first century. Moscow, 1991.