Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Role of cultural tradition in heritage of folk culture

T.A. Mitryagina, A.V. Mitryagin
80,00 ₽

T.A. Mitryagina is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail:; and

A.V. Mitryagin is lecturer e-mail:

at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture


Examined is the problem of the role of cultural tradition in formation of art heritage of folk culture. The main purpose of the work is in studying of translation of traditional culture in modern socio-cultural space in the process of transferring and preserving national material and spiritual values in connection with the loss of youth’s interest to their history, in order to bring up harmonious comprehensively developed and creative personality. The authors mention specifics of reproduction of traditional folk culture, that might be individual or group. Also given is historical information about development of folk crafts and trades in different parts of Russia, attention is accentuated on symbolic expression of tradition, through the process of systematization of basic elements of traditional folk culture.

Key words: folk culture, art heritage, crafts, handy crafts, renaissance, single, special, handy work.



1. Astafiev, V. The last bow. Moscow, 2010.

2. Mamontova, N.N. Problems of studying of traditional forms of culture and the notion of “folk art”. In: Scientific readings in memory of V.M. Vasilchenko. Moscow, 1997, p. 23.

3. Intuit Future of Small Business Report. URL:

4. National institute of system researches of problems of entrepreneurship. URL:; Agency of strategic initiatives. URL: