M.A. Kulabukhova is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc. e-mail:
S.N. Zenin is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail:
A.A. Shakmakov is senior lecturer e-mail:
at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
Researched is the problem of professional culture of bachelors of social and cultural activity in educational process of universities. The authors analyze the concept of “professional culture” as complex and multidimensional phenomenon. The analysis resulted in the authors conclusion about the lack of scientific researches of this problem, that prevents training of specialists, thus demanding modern social and cultural conditions. The article outlines ways to eliminate this gap in the context of professional creativity of bachelors of social and cultural activities.
Key words: culture, education, creation, professional culture, professional creativity.
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