Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Social pedagogical stereotypes as factors of orientation of students on disciplinary or personal model of interaction with other people

V.G. Maralov, V.A. Sitarov
80,00 ₽


V.G. Maralov is Dr.Sci. (Psychology), prof. at Cherewpovets State University e-mail:; and V.A. Sitarov is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof., head of sub-faculty at Moscow Humanitarian University e-mail:


Analyzed are fundamental stereotypes, determining type of orientation of students on discipline or personal model of interaction with other people. Shown is, that as principal qualities of personal orientation appear acknowledgement of subjectivity of all participants of interaction, ability for cooperation, democratic style of leadership. The research highlighted necessity of elaboration of special psychological pedagogical technologies for overcoming of negative stereotypes in students, taking into account their individual structure. Obtaining results might be using in activity of psychological service of high schools, as well as in individual work of lecturers with students.

Key words: disciplinary model of interaction, personal model of interaction, social pedagogical stereotypes, psychological pedagogical accompaniment.


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