E.A. Yougfeld is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), deputy to the director at Pervouralsk Metallurgical College e-mail:
Described is practical experience of realization of the model of professional socialization of students under conditions of public-private partnership on example of educational program of “Future of the white metallurgy”. Given is characteristic of component model of professional socialization, as well as the model of public-private partnership. Elaborated are advantages of the of public-private partnership for company and college. Formulated is the notion of professional socialization of students. Sequence of stages of professional socialization of students is also determined. Presented are indicators and criteria for professional socialization of college students. Described are features of realization of the model of professional socialization in frames of educational program.
Key words: professional socialization, public-private partnership, dual system of education, professional education, social and professional competence, level of professional socialization, educational model.
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