E.V. Romanov is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. e-mail:; and E.V. Romanova is post-graduate student e-mail:
at Magnitogorsk State Technical University n.a. G.I. Nosov
The prospects of preservation of personnel capacity of the higher school in the context of the analysis of the state program “Development of education” for 2013—2020 are considered. The trend on decrease in number of PPS of state universities contradicts the solution of a task of continuous education of the population. Change of approach to assessment of efficiency of research activity of the teacher of the higher school which we consider as “instrument” of reduction of number of PPS on formal grounds has led to essential decrease in patent activity at the universities. Income from use of results of intellectual activity in total income at the vast majority of higher education institutions is equal to zero. Tasks of preservation of personnel capacity of state universities and increase in efficiency of activity are formulated.
Key words: state program; patent activity; income from results of intellectual activity; prospects of development.
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