Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Notions of juvenile delinquent on normative and deviant behavior

K.Yu. Belousov
80,00 ₽


K.Yu. Belousov is Cand.Sci. (Sociology) at City Center for Social Programs and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention “KONTAKT”, Saint Petersburg



Presented are results of a survey questionnaire among teenagers, who committed administrative and criminal offenses. Attempt to explain, how teenagers broadly interpret the concept of norm and normal behavior, which in their view mostly includes unconditional deviant acts, is supported by the anomie theory. The author considers, that due to influence of fragmentary, non-integral culture, the situation connected with the lack of effective regulators is getting weaker, and that pushes teenagers to behavior based on deviation. Anomie not only provides for deviations, it forces minors to estimate deviations, treat offenses and mistakes more tolerantly. The article also notes the fact of mismatch between thoughts and actions of young boys and girls, when they are incapable to internalize social rules, accept them internally and to follow them.

Key words: deviant behavior, norms, anomy, teenagers, non-normative lexicon, questionnaire.



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