Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Instruments for evaluation of results of scientific activity as stimulus for Net-work cooperation in educational sphere

N.N. Kvelidze-Kuznetsova, V.V. Laptev, S.A. Morozova
80,00 ₽  


N.N. Kvelidze-Kuznetsova is director of fundamental library at Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University e-mail: ; V.V. Laptev is Dr.Sci. (Education), prof., academician, vice-president of Russian Academy of Education e-mail: ; and S.AMorozova is deputy director of fundamental library at Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University  e-mail:


Examined is the problem of “Instruments for evaluation of results of scientific activity as stimulus for Network cooperation in educational sphere”, solving of which, reckoning tendencies of development of higher school, is becoming under modern conditions of more and more actualized significance. Particularly, in detail examined are possibilities of analytical instrument of presentation and evaluation of results of scientific researches of publisher Elsevier SciVal, applied to Russian researches in thematic direction of “Education” and also to world trends in the named direction of science. Special attention the authors are paid to search and prognosis of potential collaborations and collaborative studies within Russia and world educational environment.

Key words: education, sciento-metrics, SciVal, Scopus, Elsevier, scientific journal, analytical resource, analysis of scientific activity.



  1. URL:
  2. SciVal: [analytical instrument of presentation and evaluation of results of scientific activity].
  3. URL:
  4. URL:
  5. URL: