Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Social dynamics of O. Comte. Some aspects of scientific understanding of cultural gene of DNA cultural code

I.M. Katkov
80,00 ₽ 


I.M. Katkov is Ph.D in Sociology, editor in chief of electronic scientific magazine “Modern humanitarian knowledge”



Presented is the theme of scientific understanding of place and role of subculture, as social organism in the process of it’s evolution. Explained are the notion of “subculture, it’s functions and stages of development”. Based on O. Comte’s idea of social organism as biological one, the author makes attempt of scientific substantiation of existence of cultural gene and DNA cultural code. Given is definition of cultural gene, identifying as unit of social organism’s heredity. Explained is structure of such, and also described are it’s functions. Scientific knowledge, synthesized by the author, could be applied during construction of both models and strategy of counteraction (corruption sub-cultures, extremist and radical sub-cultures, religious sub-cultures of radical currents).

Key words: culture, sub-culture, social organism, management



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