Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Matrimony: aspects of gender socialization

L.Kh. Urusova
80,00 ₽


L.Kh. Urusova is Cand. of Pedagogical sci., senior lecturer at North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Studies — Branch of Krasnodar University of MVD of Russia



Elaborated are problems of deformation of family and family-marriage purposes in modern society. Identified are most effective ways of forming orienta-tion on marriage among young people. Proposed is the way of solving of the problem of complete study of matrimonial socialization of modern youth with showing of concrete conditions of positive realization of the process. Defined are structural components of matrimony, and also determined are factors, forming family-marriage purposes. Conclusion is made, that preparation of nowadays generation to matrimonial life should be conductive to forming of number of im-portant gender forms. Analysis of the theory of socialization opens possibility of defining of the nature of both matrimonial and parental roles as to formation of younger generation. Empirical research substantiated theoretical basis of the study, and also exerted influence upon breeding of personality, possessing cer-tain set of necessary family spiritual and moral values.

Key words: matrimony, components of matrimony, factors of matrimony, typology of personality, socialization, gender, masculinity, femininity, androgy-ny, deviation.



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