Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Possibilities of training clinical engineers at medical university

A.V. Guschin, Yu.P. Mukha, S.A. Bezborodov
80,00 ₽


A.V. Guschin is Dr. Sci. in Medicine, doc.; Yu.P. Mukha is Dr. Sci. in Engineering, prof.; and S.A. Bezborodov is Cand. of Engineering, head of sub-faculty at Volgograd State Medical University



Analyzed is the theme of training professionals in new for Russia specialty of “Clinical engineering” at the base of medical high school. Given is characteristic of clinical engineering as direction of scientific educational training, and also presented is professional portrait of clinical engineer. Described are both possibilities of organization of corresponding training, and problems, coming into being in the process of it’s realization. Determined is spectrum of competences of corresponding specialists, shown is their place in the structure of practical heath care, and presented is model plan of educational program of the named specialty. In detail described is experience of realization of corresponding activity at concrete example at sub-faculty bio-technical systems and technologies of Volgograd state medical university.

Key words: clinical engineer, education, medical university, competences.




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