Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Competence approach in higher education: ration and interconnection of concept apparatus

A.K. Narkoziev
80,00 ₽


A.K. Narkoziev is Dr. Sci. in Pedagogy, doc. at International University of Kirgizstan



Presented is analysis of the theme of competence approach to person as the main participant of education process and professional activity, connected with formation quality of personnel and professional skills. Competence approach aims efforts of all participants in education process on forming in high school’s graduate certain characteristics, which must have status of permanent signs of professional training of graduate and at the same time be new changing component as the result of interaction of student with other participants of educational process, as well as with educational environment. Conclusion is made, that competence as such is part of potentially quality of education, because all forms and types of education could not fully provide acquisition by students with all competences, necessary for future professional activity.

Key words: competence approach as special term, competence approach as indicator of the level of professionalism, competence as educational category, competence as aggregation of potential characteristics.



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