Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Methodical aspects of independent technical training of students in football tacking into account motor asymmetry

A.V. Shamonin, S.E. Bannikov, R.I. Minyazev, E.A. Goncharova
80,00 ₽


A.V. Shamonin is Cand. of Pedagogic sci., doc., teacher in physical culture at Odintsovo gymnasium No. 14

S.E. Bannikov is Cand. of Chemical sci., doc., prof.

R.I. Minyazev is Senior lecturer

E.A. Goncharova is Senior lecturer

Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Politics by Ural Federal University named after first president of Russia B.N. Eltsin



          Discussed is the theme of independent technical sport training of students, taking into account motor asymmetry. Presented is analysis of technical and methodical aspects of playing forms of sport, using of which opens possibility for significant improvement of level of sport skill. Special attention is paid to football as most mass part of sport training at high school. Discussed are problems of improvement of level of independent technical training of students’ football players. Execution of training tasks with taking into account motor asymmetry opens way to raise level of emotional psychological state of athletes in competitive activity. Also characterized is individual approach, based on smoothing of motor asymmetry, positively affecting growth of sport skill of football players.

          Key words: student, football, independent training, technical training, motor asymmetry.



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