A.A. Dorofeev is Dr. Sci. in Pedagogy, Cand. of Engineering, prof.
D.A. Yagodnikov is Dr. Sci. in Engineering, prof., head of sub-faculty at Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Elaborated is the theme of CDIO initiative, formed as scientific and pedagogical community, aimed at practical orientation of university engineering education on training graduates of high technical schools in interests of potential employers. Presented is description of “Russian method of training in crafts engineers and technics” (Russian engineering school), methodologically substantiated and practically realized in Russia at the end of 19th century. Shown is, that experience of Russian school of training engineers as fundament of modernization of engineering education could successfully be used in the context of CDIO initiative. The author’s conclusion is made about possibility and expediency of using approbated by national higher technical decisions, inscribing into the context of the named initiative. Holistic image of profession with reveal of the role of background knowledge is proven. Mentoring of a student is shown as a contribution in establishing and self-development of social responsible individual, patriot and citizen.
Key words: engineering education, Russian school of engineering education, mentoring, modernization, CDIO initiative.
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