Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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G.G. Mekhri, U.D. Alieva. On Islamic aesthetic and form in the Art of Islam. P. 101-104



G.G. Mekhri is post-graduate student at Tehran University of Art and Baku State University


U.D. Alieva is cand. of Philosophy, researcher at Institute of Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan



Presented is the authors’ analysis of nature and characteristic features of Islamic aesthetic and form in the art of Islam. Shown is distinction between art of Islam and art of Europe. Formulated is the category of beauty in Islamic aesthetic. Determined are fundamental principles, using for expression of the notion of “beauty” in Islamic art. Elaborated if main idea of works of Muslim religious art work. Also defined are basic ideas of philosophy of Islamic art and reflection of these ideas in works of Islamic art. Examined are reasons of abstract forms in Islam art, as well as tendencies of that abstraction, based on example of miniature paintings. In detail described is idea, which Muslim painter is trying to convey to audience. Also characterized is aesthetic taste of Muslims, in foundation of which is laid information about beauty, reproducing by the Koran.

Key words: Islamic art, religious art, form, abstraction, miniatures. 


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