Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Problem of lecturing in fundamentals of wisdom and philosophy in modern higher educational institution

A.M. Petrunin

A.M. Petrunin is cand. of Philosophy,

prof. at Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky’s Military Academy of Army Air Defense of AF RF


Presented is analytical research in scientific fundamentals of the notion of “wisdom” in connection of what examined is the problem of the structure of text-book in philosophy. Basing on analysis of the named structure, the author proposes new text-book on philosophy in two parts, i.e. scientific fundamentals of the notion of “wisdom” and scientific fundamentals of solving of philosophical problems. Such new text-book, the author suggests, might open possibility to understand philosophy as love for wisdom, but not as abstract theoretical knowledge about all things. That must assist to formation of corresponding world-outlook of high school’s graduate with breeding in him well-defined and correct position as to understanding of many fundamental problems of philosophical meaning. The author’s opinion is that only after that future specialist might transfer himself to cognition of proper philosophy, i.e. cognition of ways of solving fundamental philosophical problems.

Key words: wisdom, eternity, beauty, kindness, truth, happiness, freedom, text-book in philosophy, scientific basis of the notion of “wisdom”, philosophy. 


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