Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Elaboration of palette of psychological defenses in first-year students as to the type of temperament

V.P. Musina

V.P. Musina is cand. of Psychology,

doc. at Sankt-Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work


Presented is analysis of the phenomena psychological defenses by first-year students. Made known are basic types of psycho-protective temperament. Revealed are new inter-connections of mechanisms of psychological defenses, up to now not represented in scientific researches, devoted to the named problem. Shown are results of empirical research, aimed at examining peculiarities of psychological defenses. Also revealed are universal characteristics of defense mechanisms. Determined is necessity of corresponding knowledge for students, as well as perspectives of their using in educational process. Conclusion is made, that first-year student, possessing knowledge about his type of temperament, could be skilled in managing of his own psychological defenses, achieving by that successes in education on new stage of his life, i.e. the stage of mastering himself at higher level of education.

Key words: psychological defense, type of temperament, first-year students, higher education, emotional stress. 


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