Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On alliance of scientific knowledge and art creativity in educational space: traditions of M.V. Lomonosov and A.S. Pushkin

T.M. Stepanskaya , E.V. Stepanskaya

T.M. Stepanskaya is doct. in Art criticism, prof., head of sub-faculty;

E.V. Stepanskaya is master of Art criticism, senior lecturer

Altai State University


Presented is the authors’ analysis in creative heritage of M.V. Lomonosov and A.S. Pushkin foreshortening to modern educational space. Elaborated are their opinions onto alliance of science and art, language as fundament of national spirituality and culture, love for fatherland, treatment of the past, as well as treatment of culture of the West. Analyzed is historical experience of introducing young generation to valuables of Russian language and Russian poetry. Examined is innovative form of research of study of creative heritage of A.S. Pushkin at children educational institutions (studious, kinder gardens, schools) and high schools. Also presented is survey of opinions on science and art of prominent scientists, artists and literary men of Russia, heritage which, as the authors’ state, come forward as historical necessity under conditions of modernity. Conclusion is made, that nowadays sciences of art criticism are gaining developing actuality.

Key words: Fatherland, Russian language, art, innovations, literature, exhibition competition, museum, science.



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3.    Berdyaev, N.A. Philosophy of Inequality. — M., 2002.

4.    Lebedev, N.E., Lomonosov, M.V. Poems. — M., 1989.

5.    Karamzin, N.M. On love to Fatherland and national pride. Beginning of the XIX century // Karamzin, N.M. Selected works. — M., 1985.

6.    Selected works. — М., 1986.

7.    [URL]: