Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


E.S. Naboychenko, V.I. Samoylov, T.A. Kolomychuk. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of formation of students’ teams in playing sports. P. 116-118



E.S. Naboychenko is cand. of science (Economics), head of sub-faculty;

V.I. Samoylov and

T.A. Kolomychyuk are lecturers at

Institute of physical culture, sports & youth policy by Ural Federal University


Analyzed is the problem of formation of team in sport games. The named problem presents itself as long and laborious educational process. Declaration of that reveals itself in the fact that behavior of an individual is reflection of peculiarities of his organism and characteristics of personality. Actions of young person under determined living situations may take different forms, i.e. victim, deviant or some else form of behavior. To achieve high productive and sport results the leader is in need of knowledge in fields of both physiology and age psychology. In connexion with that the authors elaborated basic directions of educational breeding activity of forming a student as a personality. Also presented is list of prophylactic measures during educational training process, that might prevent manifestations of deviant behavior.

Key words: student, collective, victim behavior, prevention.