Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


L.N. Borisova. Pedagogics of non-violence as creed of life. P.119-120



L.N. Borisova is cand. of sciences (Pedagogy), doc. at Yu.S. Vitte’s University, Moscow


Elaborated is the problem of modernization of pedagogics, that, striving to solve strategic tasks of education, now is undergoing changes in various directions of development. Shown is theoretical and practical contribution in development of pedagogics by concrete scientific persons. Also shown is contribution in development of national pedagogics by V.A. Sitarov, modern Russian pedagogue scientist, now celebrating his 65th anniversary. In the article is traced scientific biography of V.A. Sitarov, pedagogical activity of which is connected solely with higher school. Special attention is paid to reflection about years of the author’s common work with V.A. Sitarov at leading pedagogical high school of the country, i.e. Lenin’s MGPI, now MPGU, when Sitarov was starting deputy dean at sub-faculty of pedagogy and psychology, while the author was student at the named high school.

Keywords: anniversary, Congo, MGPU, Moscow humanitarian university, monographs, bachelors, masters. 


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