Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Fundamentalization of engineering education in Russia and Belorussia. Challenge to technological development

I.V. Kotlyarov, S.V. Kostyukevich, N.I. Yakovleva


I.V. Kotlyarov is doct. in Sociology, prof., director of Institute


 S.V. Kostyukevich is cand. of Sociology, senior researcher

 N.I. Yakovleva is post-graduate student


Institute of Sociology by NAN of Republic of Belorussia 

Based on historical analysis of development of Soviet engineering school, analyzed is the problem of balance between theoretical and applied training at technical universities. Shown is that in Soviet engineering school, due to historical peculiarities of it’s formation, there appeared excessive enthusiasm for theoretical education. Nowadays it creates psychological barrier for searching of new balance between theoretical education and applied training, what is necessary to enhance innovative productivity of engineering high schools. Revealed are basic reasons, causing trouble to search of new admissible balance between theoretical and applied training, aimed at bettering of innovative productivity of technical universities. Substantiated is conclusion about necessity of appropriate control as to quality of engineering researches from industrial sector (business).

Key words: theoretical education, applied training, modern innovative strategy. 


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