Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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A.M. Sagdatullin. Research of the model of synergistic ecosystem of innovative educational clusters as the basis for improving competitiveness of a region. P.78-83



A.M. Sagdatullin is post-graduate student, engineer

Research and Educational Center of Almetyevsk State Oil Institute


          Presented is detailed analysis of and practice of formation and development of the system of educational clusters in the Republic of Tatarstan on the background of corresponding global experience. Focus of the research is made on institutional construction and the principle of “triple helix” in development of clusters. Shown are global tendencies in development of clusters, as well as given is their detailed characteristic. Also presented is general characteristic of cluster approach into regional economy. Shown are basic educational clusters, existing in the region under studying. As the example, in detail described is educational cluster in the sphere of economics, because this sector is leading one in economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. Also elaborated is the author’s model of synergetic eco-system of innovative educational clusters as the basis of raising regional competitiveness.

          Key words: innovative educational clusters, scientific productive clusters, “triple helix” model, MIT cluster, synergetic interaction. 


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