Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


S.B. Shitov. Nano-technological development of society: problems and prospects. Socio-philosophical analysis. P.89-92



S.B. Shitov is doct. in Philosophy, prof. at Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”


          Presented is the author’s socio-philosophical analysis of problems and prospects of development of the nanotechnologies of society. Given is definition of the meaning of “nanotechnologies”. Elaborated is characteristic of nanotechnologies, which became the most important direction of scientific and technological world development of the 21st century. Shown is that pervasive influence of nanotechnologies on society promotes it’s transformation, securing corresponding development of economy of knowledge and society of knowledge, search of innovative approaches and means at training of specialists in the field of nanotech industry. Also given is judgment of role of philosophy by elaborating philosophical problems of scientific research in nanoprocesses, forming corresponding nanooutlook. Enumerated are concrete challenges of nanotechnological progress, on answer of which should be oriented philosophical search for adaptation of personality to future social and cultural valuable transformations.

          Key words: nanotechnologies, economy of knowledge, society of knowledge, innovative engineering education, nanooutlook. 


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