Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Federal university: in search for the model of administration

A.V. Belyaev

A.V. Belyaev is doct. in Pedagogy, prof. at North-Caucasus Federal University


       Examined is the process of coming into being of higher educational institution of category “university of federal value”. Determined and analyzed are contemporary approaches to modernization of management at the named type of university education. Revealed are main disadvantages of contemporary linear-functional system of management in higher education. Substantiated is expediency of transition to program aimed model of management in education, which, in the author’s opinion, is being characterized by such signs, as openness, flexibility, accent on self-organization during the negotiations, using of scientific methods, attraction of consultants, striving towards innovations, and high degree of responsibility of administration for it’s own actions. Also substantiated is the meaning of optimal model of management in order to guarantee innovative development of federal university.

       Key words: university management, comparative analysis, strategy of management, organizational bases, design- matrix model, program aimed management, corporate culture.


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