Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Historical and philosophical aspects of formation of pedagogical systems of single combats

A.N. Bokiy, S.V. Uskov


A.N. Bokiy is cand. of Jurisprudence, doc., head of sub-faculty; and

S.V. Uskov is cand. of Pedagogy, doc.

at Crimean branch of Krasnodar University of MVD of Russia


          Examined are problems of evolution of single combats into modern pedagogical systems, and also evidential base of accordance of these systems to general pedagogical criteria is brought. Determined is, that methods of training and breeding, using in single combats, fully coincide with methods of physical education and sporting didactics. Conducted is scientific analysis of pre-conditions and motive factors of formation and development of these systems. Exposed are different component functions of single combats. Also polygamy functions, determined by possibilities of use of methodologies both for amateurs and sportsmen professionals, are shown. Distinctions of martial arts of Far East and military applied systems of Europe are educed, and in connection with that substantiated are socially-philosophical aspects of confluence of these directions with modern systems of sporting and athletic-health direction. Scientific theoretical basis of the research presents itself as actual for further studies of pedagogical possibilities of improvement of different methodologies of educational and breeding process.

          Key words: breeding, single combats, history, methodology, teaching, pedagogics, pre-conditions, development, system. 


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