Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On the process of formation of the system of continued professional education in Russia

M.A. Tappaskhanova, I.B. Shulga

M.A. Tappaskhanova is cand. of History, doc., senior researcher at Multi-functional Scientific Innovative Company of Experts


I.B. Shulga is post-graduate student at Moscow Institute of Contemporary Academic Education


Elaborated is the problem of formation of unified system of continued professional education, presupposing active interaction of  the state, professional co-operative structures with potential students as their members, and also companies of which them are employees. Done is analysis of scientific researches, based on which conclusions are made about state of the system of continued professional education. Given are more precise definitions to both continued education as a whole, corporative continued professional education in particular. Investigated are tendencies in development of systems of continued professional education under conditions of modern society, including it’s economic and social components. Also presented is the prognosis as to theoretical mechanisms of the research, that might to help in elaborating of methods of optimal organization of pedagogical actions, corresponding to continued professional education.

Key words: professional, continued, corporative, specialist, company, state, re-training, method, approach, economics.


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