Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Projecting of professionally oriented methodical system of training of teacher in mathematics

G.L. Abdulgalimov, O.A. Kosino, S.V. Vasekin

G.L. Abdulgalimov is doct. in Pedagogy, doc., head of sub-faculty


O.A. Kosino is cand. of Pedagogy, doc.


S.V. Vasekin is cand. of Pedagogy, dean of faculty


M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

Presented is analysis of results of the authors’ research on development and implementation of professionally oriented methodical system of training of teacher in mathematics. Generalized is the meaning of the concept of professional competence of university graduate, and also formulated is multi-leveled competence model of future teacher in mathematics. Also described are specific features of the process of professional training of teaher in mathematics as to different levels of subject and methodological competencies. Determined is that subject pedagogical and social components are the most important in professional competency of teacher. Conclusion is made that as to deepening of subject training, all teachers might be divided up into groups of propaedeutic, basic, profile, SPE and HPE. From requirements to each groups of teachers in mathematics, formulated are aims of professional training as to concrete content of such.

Key words: pedagogical education, professional competence, competence model of subject teacher, projecting of methodical system of training of teacher in mathematics.


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