Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Values of education: in search for solution to the problem

B.R. Mandel

B.R. Mandel is cand of Pedagogy, prof., head of sub-faculty at Novosibirsk Institute of Humanities

Presented is analysis of serious, controversial, curious problem as to the value of education. The author is reflecting on the history of the problem, timeliness, and also examines philosophical and historical roots of the problem and addresses himself to contemporary Russian reality. The main problem of the article is viewed from perspective of philosophy, axiology, ethics, philosophy of education. In addition, it is raised questions of morality in connection with basic aspects of education, problems of pedagogy, as well as problems of breeding of young generation in mainstream of the world and Russian culture. Number of problems are examined by the author from critical point of view, encouraging readers to polemics and more attentive approach to values of education, pedagogical values due to the fact that they are playing important role in formation of new paradigm of education in Russia.

Key words: discussion, generation, higher education, economic issues, important values, axiology, philosophy of education, educational standards.


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