Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Educational training of post-graduates in Russia

V.I. Levin

V.I. Levin is doct. in Engineering, prof. at Penza State Technical University

Elaborated is the problem of educational training of post-graduates and scientific competitors. Presented is detailed description of world system of training of post-graduates with demonstration of their basic advantages and disadvantages. Also in detail characterized is Russian system of training post-graduates with showing of it’s basic contradictions. As to the author, nowadays necessity is present to organize new system of training post-graduates, corresponding challenges of innovative society. The author’s conclusion is made, that nowadays present is potential possibility of significant widening and qualitative improvement of educational training of Russian post-graduates and scientific competitors. As solution of this task proposed is new system of educational training of Russian post-graduates with such distinguishing peculiarity as program of training, oriented on new tasks of Russian higher school.

Key words: educational training of post-graduates, scientific educational schools, education of post-graduates in Russia, new educational program.


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