Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Human capital of the youth as factor of innovative development

I.A. Evgrashina

I.A. Evgrashina is director of Vologda branch of St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON)  

Presented are results of studying of the level of formation of human capital of the youth in Vologda region, carried out on the basis of analysis of statistical data and results of monitoring of labor potential of population of the named region. Given is analysis of both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of this age group of population. Revealed are problems of formation of human capital of young generation, that are hindering innovational development. The research showed, that nowadays the youth characterized is by decreasing of both cognitive and creative potentials, influencing presentations of innovational and entrepreneurial activity. Conclusion is made, that low level of interests of young generation in carrying out research work and starting up with own business cannot allow innovational development in both the region and the country as the whole.

Key words: youth, human capital, economic activity, social capacity, monitoring.


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