Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On the role of higher education in formation of human capital

A.L. Blokhin

A.L. Blokhin is cand. of Pedagogy, doc. at Southern Federal University

Discussed is the problem of formation of the theory of human capital. Analyzed is the notion of “human capital”, as well as defined is it’s meaning as basic resource of innovative development of society. Also characterized are theoretical approaches to defining the role of higher professional education in the process of formation and further development of human capital. Shown are basic tasks of higher education, and described are corresponding functions of higher school, realizations of which might have positive influence on development of human potential. Described are directions in continued training of specialists as strategic task, oriented on formation and further development of innovative educational system as principle condition for formation of human capital, and also formulated is methodology of it’s reproduction in higher educational institutions.

Key words: human capital, higher education, development of society.


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