Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Modern mechanisms, ways and possibilities of improvement of educational activity in RSGRU-MGRI

V.I. Lisov, A.E. Vorobiev

V.I. Lisov is doct. in Economics, prof., rector of Russian State Geological Prospecting University n. a. Sergo Ordzhonikidzе (MGRI-RSGPU);

A.E. Vorobiev is doct. in Engineering, prof., head of sub-faculty at Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship


Presented is analysis of development of Russian higher as to number and quality of higher educational institutions. Shown are results of monitoring of achievements of higher school for the years of 2013—2014. Also presented are decisions of the Ministry of education and science of the RF as to transition to second stage of modernizing of high professional school. Disclosed is available contradiction between constantly raising requirements to quality of education from the state and society and daily educational and scientific activity of professor and lecturing personnel. Also main indicators of MGRI-RSGPU, characterizing educational direction, are channelized. Elaborated are modern mechanisms, ways and possibilities of improvement of educational activity in MGRI-RSGPU. Determined are “points of growth”, and considered are various models of development of university. On the basis of comparison with chosen reference group of universities possible positions are shown, which MGRI-RSGPU could occupy in the nearest perspective.

Key words: educational activity, mechanisms, ways of improvement, current state, indicators orientation points.


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