V.V. Komarov is Ph.D. in Economics, prof.
at Russian State Agrarian External University
E-mail: komarovvv@list.ru
Analyzed are goals and tasks, facing higher education institutions as to improvement of functioning of training cadres for Russian agriculture and agricultural engineering. In educational and research planes examined is the problem of providing of rural economy with modern tractors of domestic production, as well as presented is factor analysis of effectiveness of production of them in Russia and abroad. Proposed some measures for improvement of business climate in the sphere of development of real sector of economy and production enterprises as to the aim of attracting direct foreign investments, as well of creation of favorable conditions for foreign productions on the territory of Russia. Also elaborated are innovative forms as to bettering of methodology of lecturing in the subject of “International economic relations”.
Key words: subject of international economic relations, improving of training of students, modern aims of higher educational institutions, factor analysis, trans-national corporations, business climate.
1. [URL]: http://ru.rostselmash.com/company/about/today
2. [URL]: http://ru.rostselmash.com/products/tractors/HHT_435_575
3. [URL]: http://babkin-k.livejournal.com/182898.html
4. [URL]: http://ru.rostselmash.com/company/press/rsmreport
5Komarov, V.V. World economy. Investments and agriculrure. — M., 2010.
6. Komarov, V.V. Trend of world economy. Investments and trans-national corporations. — Saarbrucken, Germany, 2011.