Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Remuneration systems in general education: principles, evolution, problems

M.L. Levitsky, K.V. Khlebnikov, O.Yu. Cherkashin

M.L. Levitsky is doct. in Pedagogy, prof., director

of Institute of Management at Moscow City Pedagogical University;


K.V. Khlebnikov is cand. of Economics, deputy president

of Russian Academy of Education;


O.Yu. Cherkashin is cand. of Economics, doc.

at Moscow City Pedagogical University



Presented is analysis of dynamics of remuneration systems of employees of institutions of general education under changing conditions of carrying on management. Theoretically determined are basic principles, on which any remuneration system ought to be based. Shown is that despite of community of using principal approaches (in particular, ETS, professional qualification groups, etc.) concrete practice of their realization at different sections of continued education (general, SPO, VPO, DPO, DO) might have essential distinctions. Determined is that examining basic principles, and also analysis in problems and risks, constrained with new remuneration system and possible ways of their implementation, are in general invariant as to the level of education. But concrete practice of building of remuneration systems, and their evolution are given on the example of general education. Examining basic principles are disposed in re-current succession, i.e. from the foregoing it follows subsequent one.

Key words: general education, remuneration system, sources of financing, payment model, consolidated tariff scale, professional qualification group, normative financing, per head financing, state (municipal) task, educational service, ABC costing.