Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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N. Rozov. Overcoming the track of Russian cycles — the use of sociological laws for strategies of civil self-organizing

N.S. Rozov
Doctor of Philosophy

Institute of Philosophy and Law

Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Philisophy Department
Novosibirsk State University

The basic stages of real democratization mean overcoming historical inertia and an exit from «a track of cycles» to the new logic of Russian development. Universal sociological laws of strategic choices are used and the corresponding requirements to initial strategy of civil self-organizing in modern Russia are formulated. It is shown, why an optimum place to start such activities is interdisciplinary seminars with a scientific and applied orientation in universities and high schools. Ways of blocking degradation contours, their transformation into contours of human development and social capitals are given.

Key words: democratization, cycles of Russian history, principles for the selection of strategies, civic self-organization, human capital, social capital


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2. Rozov N.S. Collegial sharing of power and phase conditions of democracy in Russia / / Polis. - 2008. - № 5. - P. 74-89 [electronic resource:].
3. Rozov N.S. Track and pass: macrosociological base strategy of Russia in XXI century. (in press) [Information about the book:].

4.    Collins R. Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton & Oxford. Princeton University Press, 2004.